How to install Django on Windows 10

4 min readJun 9, 2020


Django is a free and open source web framework which follows the Model-Template-View(MTV).It is an extremely popular and fully featured server-side web framework, written in Python.It enables rapid development of secure and maintainable website.

Let’s dive into the installation steps,

Step 1 : Installing Python

  • Download latest version of python using the link.
  • Make sure to enable the checkbox “Added to the path” while installing python.
  • To check the installation of python,use the command on command prompt,

python -v

  • If python is installed in your system, you will get the version of the python while running the python -v command.

Step 2 : Installing PiP

  • Pip is mostly included in python package itself.
  • To check the installation of pip, use the below command on cmd

pip -v

  • If pip is installed in your system, you will get the version details of the pip while using the pip -v command.

Step 3 : Creating Virtual Environment

  • Virtual Environment is required to run Django apps. It saves the memory of the system by creating a virtual environment in the system.To create the virtual environment, the below mentioned command is used.

pip install virtualenv

Step 4 : Creating virtual environment folder

  • To create a virtual folder post to virtual environment creation, use the command to create folder inside the virtual environment,

py -m venv environmentfoldername

Ex:py -m venu myenvironment

  • To check the creation of a virtual folder, run the command dir on command prompt.It will list the directories inside the virtual folder.

Step 5 : To activate the environment

  • Before using any Django app,we need to activate the environment. To activate the environment,



  • To check the installed list in your virtual environment, you can also use pip list command.
  • If the installed pip version is not compatible with virtual environment version,then upgrade the pip version by using,

py -m pip install — upgrade pip

Step 6: Installing Django

  • To install Django on your system, run the command on your command prompt.

pip install django

  • To check the installed package list,

pip list

Step 7: Creating Django project

  • To create Django project folder,

django-admin startproject projectname

Ex: django-admin startproject firstname

  • To list the project name, dir command is used.

Step 8 :Creating Django app

  • It should be created inside the Django folder which you created in the previous step.

python startapp appname

Ex: python startapp poll

Step 9: Running the Django Server

  • To run the Django server, first move to the project folder using cd command. runserver

  • Server starts to run on back end. Port number for Django server is 8000

Step 10 : Working with Django project

Let’s see the below steps to understand how to work on Django project after the complete installation,

  1. Activate Virtual environment
  2. Move to the folder path
  3. Open the editor
  4. Run the server if you need to run the code.


Rasega Prabakar




Written by Rasegaprabakar

Love to write, passion on learning new things.

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